Helleborus x h Winter JewelsŪ Golden Sunrise
Helleborus x h Winter JewelsŪ Golden Sunrise
Hellebore, Lenten Rose
Single flowers are bright canary-yellow to apricot, some splashed with purple or picotee edges. Blooms from late winter to early spring on evergreen foliage. Each plant is unique! (Perennial)
Bloom time Size Exposure
18-24" tall x 24-30" wide Sun Part Shade Shade 
Hardiness Zone:4,5,6,7,8,9
zone map Cold Hardy to -30° to -20°F
Attracts Bees Attracts BeesDeer Resistant Deer Resistant
Evergreen EvergreenFabulous Foliage Fabulous Foliage
Fall/Winter Color Fall/Winter ColorGood for Cut Flowers Good for Cut Flowers
Showy Flowers Showy Flowers